Men's Ministry raises money for two main purposes. We appreciate all donations no matter the size. See below for more details. If you would like to donate another way or give for a specific purpose please contact us.

Our Michigan Men's Ministry covets your prayer and is thankful for all financial contributions to coordinate and facilitate Men's Ministry opportunities throughout the Michigan District.
The objective of the Michigan Men’s Ministries is to provide assistance to the various Men’s Ministries throughout the churches of our Network by means of shared ideas and disciple forming experiences.
We do this through your faithful contribution to the Men's Ministry!
Write "Servant Hands" in the "Note" section if you would like to give directly to our Servant Hands projects. If you would like to give a general donations, you can leave the note section blank.

Light for the Lost is the missional arm of Men's Ministry. LFTL provides audio, visual, printed, and technical materials to support our missionaries' efforts to evangelize the world.
Your sacrificial giving assists LFTL in its continuing effort to provide the Message of Hope to people all over the world who need Jesus.
80% of the money donated to LFTL is given directly to missionaries for approved projects. We will always strive to support Michigan Network Missionaries foremost.
10% of the money donated to LFTL stays with the national LFTL office to continue serving administrative and promotional functions.
10% of the money is returned to the Michigan LFTL fund and is used for promotions, events, and other LFTL projects at home and abroad.
Click to donate via the National website